20 March 2008

In the movies!

Have you ever caught a movie when you were travelling? My mate and I were always trying out stuff that the locals do when we travel. And of course, we have to hit the theatres. I'm not talking about Broadway but the cinema. During our trip to France, we decided to catch Lost in Translation in a small french town (can't exactly remember which one). Coming from multilingual Singapore and in France for the first time, never did it strike us that watching a film in foreign land can be so different!
First of all, in Singapore when we purchase cinema tickets we will be allocated a seat number (of our choice or not). Over in France and UK, you can grab any seats. It's simply first-come-first-serve! If you are late, you will have to kiss the screen.
Secondly, the French dubbed-over any foreign films! Yikes! That includes Once Upon a time in China starring a french-speaking Jet Li. Oh what an experience!
Of course, we couldn't understand too much of what was going on in that film since Woody Allen was blabbering on in french. It was midnight and we just bought tickets for our sleepy heads in the theatre. Till this day, I still haven't caught the film Lost in Translation in english. Well.. it really was Lost in Translation at least for ME!

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