31 March 2008

The Worst street to look for a Toilet - Oxford/Regent Street, London, UK

As promised, I will present my first award to the famed street in London!! Known worldwide for its numerous fashion boutiques ranging from Nike to H&M. The number of people on these streets at anytime of day is unbelievably large. There are fast food joints, sandwich shops and cafes.

Why does Oxford Street deserve its award? Well.. one could walk for one kilometre without finding a single toilet!!

I personally had never tried the WC at underground so I can't tell you about my experience there. But the stench of the toilet near Haymarket was enough to kill anyone a mile away.

MacDonald's does have toilets. But most of the fast food chains have cleverly enticed those who need the loo urgently using clever tactics. For example, one must be paying customer to obtain the key to the WC at their counter.

I have to mention there is one shopping complex (sandwiched between two shops and located somewhere along a long row of shops) that has toilets for use. But be prepared to fork out 40p per usage. Yeah.. what a ripoff.

My only solution when I'm on Oxford/Regent streets on my big shopping spree is to avoid drinking too much water. If not, hop down to Leicester Square or Piccadilly Circus area where there are plenty of restaurants and cafes. Grab a quick coffee and use the toilet! Oh Bladder problem.

Good luck and happy shopping in London!


Anonymous said...

Found your blog by clicking "next blog", saying hello.

Thanks for the tip, I've never been to London but I'll remember that for when I am there.

If you visit me, please leave a comment of no more than seven words or less! Have a great day.

SheR. said...

Hello m!
Thanks so much for popping by! :)
I'm on your site right now!!

footiam said...

Toilets are always smelly anywhere. And over here, we always complain about toilets in China! Western shits and Eastern shits smell almost the same!