27 July 2008

Absurd travel behaviour?

Have you realised that your travel companions behave differently when they are in a foreign land? I do. I had travelled with tour groups of up to 20 and with friends over the years. And I have observed strange behaviours that are sometimes really irritating or hilarious to the observer. Here I start with a few:

  • When in a foreign land that does not speak English, expect them to have one channel and news broadcasted in English.

How would you justify this type of behaviour? I definitely would never comprehend.

  • Ignore the local cuisine. Head straight for McDonald's!

I notice this in some Americans that were in my tour group. The reason they gave me is: At least we know how the Big Mac tastes like! Unadventurous? You tell me.

  • Nothing in the foreign country can compare to my home country!!!

What is this mentality? Why is there a constant need to think that what one has back home is the BEST?

  • I speak English. So must everyone else in the world!

Erm.. I've touched on this before in one of my previous posts. I rest my case.

Do you notice any strange behaviour in your fellow travellers? Do share them!


Anonymous said...

Totally agreed with you Sherene. They are many travelers trying to look for their home food while they are abroad and not willing to try the local...We should open up our mind whenever we are in foreign countries, try adopting the local culture is the most fun. :)

SheR. said...

Hi travel feeder!
It's hard for people to change their eating habits especially if they are only travelling to a foreign country for a short time.

Anonymous said...

I believe that people should definitely experience the food while traveling! I think that while traveling, the food makes up for 75% of the experience! How can you say you have traveled if you travel but then just eat food that you're used to eating back at home? That's no travel! Right? Just don't travel if you're not going to eat the local food! People are so frustrating! Whew!

SheR. said...

Hiya Charity,
Nice of you to drop by and leave a comment!
Oh yes! Food is the most important part for me too!
I totally agree that some people just view their travel experiences differently, like a trophy to show that they have conquered some land instead of how much they have experienced as a traveller in a foreign land!