06 August 2008

Do you like Summer?

Finding a space to park your boats?

Oh I used to think so. I thought I would be excited to travel in the summer just like millions out there who flood our Croatian beaches even on a normal weekday .. melting in the summer heat.

Let me state my reasons why.. First, I don't really like the heat. Yeap, walking around anywhere at a blazing 34 degrees Celsius is not considered a holiday for me. Personally, holidays are a time to enjoy the sights, sounds and the weather. Not having to worry about my skin being burnt if I travel from point A to B at a certain time of the day!!

Second, I am a crowd person. To be frank, I can't stand crowds. I wonder if I'm the only one out there. Nope, my fiance M feels the same too. Walking on the Split promenade since Roman times, it should be an experience to feel the gorgeous ancient structure around you. But not when, I have to squeeze by throngs of Germans, Italians and heaven knows whatever nationalities. In this sticky weather, it's not that wonderful if your fellow traveller decided to leave a patch of her sweaty arm on me!

Third, everything is more expensive!!! Why on earth? Of course those merchants couldn't wait for summer. So they could hike their prices to whatever amount they desire and yet tourists came pouring in!!!!

With all said and done, drop me a line. Tell me I'm not the only one who hates to travel in Summer!

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